Material : *premium cotton voile (upgrade : kain wangi), mudah bentuk, less iron,tidak jarang 4/5, kalis air(minimal)* Available Bidang : *47,50 dan 60*Harga pengenalan
Bidang 47 : RM33
Bidang 50 dan 60 : RM39
Postage SM1-2 helai : RM83-5 helai : RM3
Postage SS1- 2 helai : RM183 - 5helai : RM13
*Setiap pembelian rm10 akan disumbangkan ke tabung dana palestin*
“Ya Allah, peliharalah saudara-saudara kami di Palestin dari segala bentuk kezaliman. Kurniakanlah mereka kekuatan dan ketabahan dalam menghadapi ujian ini. Lindungilah mereka dengan rahmat-Mu yang melimpah-ruah”08:58 AM
1. Actual colors may differ slightly from your screen due to camera flash and the fact that every computer monitor, laptop, tablet, and phone screen has a different capability to display colors.
2. Due to the natural condition of the material, you might see fine lines near the hem and scarves may not be 100% perfectly square.
Materials & Care
- Cotton voile fabric
- Machine wash warm with like colors
- Tumble dry low
- Steam or iron on medium heat
- Fold immediately after use to help prevent wrinkling
1. Actual colors may differ slightly from your screen due to camera flash and the fact that every computer monitor, laptop, tablet, and phone screen has a different capability to display colors.
2. Due to the natural condition of the material, you might see fine lines near the hem and scarves may not be 100% perfectly square.
Please be informed that colours may differ slightly due to camera flash / computer settings.